How Tarot Can Guide Your Business

Using a 3-card tarot spread for business guidance can offer insights into the present situation, challenges, and potential outcomes by allowing you to reflect on the past, acknowledge the present, and manifest the future.

Light a candle or some sage, close your eyes and take a deep breath. Shuffle the cards until 3 pop out. Lay them out horizontally in the order of appearance. This spread provides insight into the past influences, current situation, and potential future outcomes of the business.

Here's how you can interpret each card:

  1. Past (Card 1): This card represents past influences or events that have shaped the current state of the business. It may reveal strengths, challenges, or important lessons learned from previous experiences.

  2. Present (Card 2): The second card reflects the current situation of the business, including challenges, opportunities, or areas that require attention. It provides insight into the immediate factors affecting the business and what needs to be addressed in the present moment.

  3. Future (Card 3): The third card offers potential outcomes or future developments based on the current trajectory of the business. It highlights opportunities to capitalize on, potential obstacles to overcome, and areas where strategic planning and action are necessary to achieve desired goals.

Example Interpretation:

  • Past (Card 1): Suppose you draw the Five of Pentacles. This might suggest that the business has experienced financial challenges or setbacks in the past, perhaps due to economic downturns or resource mismanagement.

  • Present (Card 2): Drawing the Ace of Cups in the present position could indicate a period of emotional renewal and creative potential within the business. It suggests that there are opportunities for growth and innovation, particularly in areas related to customer satisfaction or team morale.

  • Future (Card 3): If the Nine of Pentacles appears in the future position, it may suggest that the business is on track to achieve financial abundance and stability. However, it also reminds the business to maintain a focus on long-term sustainability and to continue nurturing relationships with clients or customers.


  • Context: Remember to consider the context of the business and the specific questions or concerns guiding the tarot reading.

  • Intuition and Reflection: Trust your intuition and allow yourself to reflect on the symbolism and messages conveyed by the cards. Pay attention to any patterns or themes that emerge across the spread.

  • Actionable Insights: Use the insights gained from the reading to inform strategic decision-making and action plans for the business. Consider how you can leverage strengths, address challenges, and capitalize on opportunities to achieve your business objectives.

While tarot can offer valuable insights and perspectives, it's essential to integrate these insights with practical knowledge, experience, and conscious awareness when making business decisions. Tarot serves as a tool for reflection and exploration, offering guidance and inspiration along the entrepreneurial journey.

12. Justice: This card encourages founders to uphold fairness, integrity, and accountability in their business practices and decision-making. It suggests fostering transparency, honoring commitments, and resolving disputes ethically to build trust and credibility within the business community.

13. The Hanged Man: The Hanged Man encourages founders to embrace moments of pause, surrender, and strategic reevaluation to gain new perspectives and insights. It suggests letting go of outdated strategies, embracing innovation, and adopting a flexible mindset to adapt to changing market dynamics and seize new opportunities.

14. Death: This card represents transformation, renewal, and the inevitability of change in entrepreneurial endeavors. It suggests letting go of obsolete practices, embracing innovation, and restructuring processes to adapt to evolving market demands and emerge stronger and more resilient in the face of change.

15. Temperance: Temperance signifies balance, harmony, and moderation in decision-making and resource allocation. It suggests finding equilibrium between competing priorities, managing risks prudently, and fostering a culture of collaboration and cooperation to achieve sustainable growth and success.

16. The Devil: The Devil warns founders against succumbing to temptation, greed, and unethical practices that undermine long-term success. It suggests staying grounded in values, prioritizing integrity over short-term gains, and maintaining a healthy work-life balance to foster a positive and sustainable business environment.

17. The Tower: The Tower represents sudden upheaval, disruption, and breakthroughs in entrepreneurial endeavors. It suggests embracing change, learning from failures, and seizing opportunities for innovation and transformation to rebuild and reinvent the business in alignment with evolving goals and market trends.

18. The Star: This card symbolizes hope, inspiration, and optimism in entrepreneurial pursuits. It suggests celebrating achievements, fostering a positive work culture, and shining a light on the strengths and accomplishments of the team to inspire confidence and enthusiasm in pursuit of shared goals.

19. The Moon: The Moon encourages founders to trust intuition, navigate uncertainty, and uncover hidden opportunities in the entrepreneurial landscape. It suggests embracing creativity, intuition, and adaptability to navigate complex challenges and leverage emerging trends to drive innovation and growth.

20. The Sun: The Sun represents success, vitality, and fulfillment in entrepreneurial endeavors. It suggests celebrating achievements, fostering a positive work culture, and shining a light on the strengths and accomplishments of the team to inspire confidence and enthusiasm in pursuit of shared goals.

21. Judgment: This card prompts founders to reflect on past experiences, learn from mistakes, and embrace opportunities for renewal and growth. It suggests making informed decisions based on lessons learned, taking accountability for actions, and leading with authenticity and purpose to inspire trust and respect among stakeholders.

22. The World: The World symbolizes completion, fulfillment, and mastery in entrepreneurial endeavors. It suggests celebrating milestones, acknowledging contributions, and embracing a sense of accomplishment while remaining open to new horizons and opportunities for continued growth and innovation in the global marketplace.

Major Arcana:

  1. The Fool: The Fool symbolizes the beginning of an entrepreneurial journey, filled with excitement, potential, and uncertainty. It encourages embracing new opportunities, taking calculated risks, and trusting in intuition to navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with optimism and resilience.

  2. The Magician: The Magician represents the ability to manifest vision into reality, making it a powerful card for founders. It encourages utilizing resources, creativity, and strategic thinking to turn ideas into tangible outcomes, inspiring others, and leveraging opportunities to drive innovation and growth.

  3. The High Priestess: This card encourages founders to tap into their intuition and inner wisdom when making important decisions. It suggests taking time for reflection, listening to gut instincts, and staying connected to deeper insights to navigate challenges and uncover hidden opportunities along the entrepreneurial journey.

  4. The Empress: The Empress symbolizes creativity, abundance, and nurturing energy, making it particularly relevant for founders. It encourages cultivating a supportive and inclusive work environment, prioritizing employee well-being, and fostering a culture of innovation and growth to nurture the business and its stakeholders.

  5. The Emperor: For a founder, The Emperor represents strategic leadership, structure, and authority in business endeavors. It suggests establishing clear goals, implementing effective systems and processes, and leading with confidence and integrity to build a strong foundation for the business to thrive and succeed.

  6. The Hierophant: This card encourages founders to seek guidance from mentors, industry experts, and established principles to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship. It suggests embracing traditional wisdom, ethical business practices, and a commitment to lifelong learning to cultivate resilience and wisdom in leadership roles.

  7. The Lovers: The Lovers symbolize alignment, collaboration, and meaningful connections in the entrepreneurial journey. It encourages founders to cultivate partnerships, build strong networks, and make decisions aligned with the core values and mission of the business to foster synergy and shared success.

  8. The Chariot: For a founder, The Chariot represents determination, focus, and overcoming obstacles to achieve goals. It suggests staying driven by a clear vision, maintaining momentum, and navigating challenges with resilience and strategic planning to propel the business forward toward success.

  9. Strength: This card encourages founders to cultivate inner strength, courage, and emotional resilience to overcome challenges and setbacks. It suggests leading with empathy, navigating uncertainties with grace, and inspiring confidence and trust among team members and stakeholders to foster a resilient and supportive business culture.

  10. The Hermit: The Hermit prompts founders to embrace moments of introspection and strategic planning to achieve long-term success. It suggests stepping back from the noise of the entrepreneurial journey, reflecting on core values and priorities, and making informed decisions based on deep insights and foresight.

  11. Wheel of Fortune: The Wheel of Fortune represents cycles of change, opportunity, and adaptability in the entrepreneurial landscape. It encourages founders to embrace uncertainty, seize opportunities, and adapt strategies to navigate market fluctuations and emerging trends with agility and resilience.

Minor Arcana:


  1. Ace of Swords: The Ace of Swords represents clarity, truth, and breakthroughs in the entrepreneurial journey. It encourages founders to embrace new perspectives, cut through confusion or obstacles with clarity and decisiveness, and pursue innovative solutions that align with their vision and values.

  2. Two of Swords: This card signifies indecision, stalemate, and the need for balanced judgment in business endeavors. It suggests weighing options carefully, seeking clarity through reflection or consultation, and making informed decisions that honor one's intuition and align with long-term goals and values.

  3. Three of Swords: The Three of Swords represents heartache, loss, and emotional upheaval in the entrepreneurial journey. It encourages founders to acknowledge and process feelings of grief or disappointment, seek support from trusted allies, and embrace the healing power of resilience and self-care to navigate through challenging times.

  4. Four of Swords: This card signifies rest, recuperation, and strategic planning in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests taking a break to recharge, reflect on past experiences, and strategize for future endeavors with clarity and purpose, ensuring that actions align with long-term goals and aspirations.

  5. Five of Swords: The Five of Swords represents conflict, defeat, and power struggles in business relationships. It encourages founders to choose their battles wisely, seek win-win solutions, and prioritize harmony and collaboration over ego-driven conflicts or short-term victories that may undermine long-term success and trust.

  6. Six of Swords: This card symbolizes transition, resilience, and moving forward from adversity in business endeavors. It suggests embracing change with grace, leaving behind old patterns or limitations, and embarking on a journey of growth and discovery towards new opportunities and brighter horizons.

  7. Seven of Swords: The Seven of Swords represents deception, betrayal, and the need for caution in business dealings. It encourages founders to be vigilant, protect sensitive information, and trust their instincts to discern hidden agendas or potential risks that may compromise the integrity or security of their ventures.

  8. Eight of Swords: This card signifies restriction, self-imposed limitations, and the need for liberation in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests challenging limiting beliefs, seeking solutions outside conventional boundaries, and empowering oneself to break free from obstacles or constraints hindering progress and growth.

  9. Nine of Swords: The Nine of Swords represents anxiety, fear, and mental anguish in the entrepreneurial journey. It encourages founders to confront and address underlying fears or worries, seek support from trusted advisors or mentors, and practice self-care and mindfulness to manage stress and maintain emotional well-being amidst challenges.

  10. Ten of Swords: This card symbolizes betrayal, endings, and the need for closure in business ventures. It suggests accepting the inevitable conclusion of certain endeavors, embracing lessons learned from setbacks or failures, and using them as catalysts for personal growth, renewal, and new beginnings in the entrepreneurial journey.


  1. Ace of Wands: The Ace of Wands represents inspiration, potential, and new opportunities for growth and innovation in business ventures. It encourages founders to embrace creative vision, seize promising opportunities, and channel passion and enthusiasm into action to ignite momentum and drive success.

  2. Two of Wands: This card signifies vision, planning, and the pursuit of long-term goals in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests expanding horizons, exploring new possibilities, and making strategic decisions that align with one's vision and aspirations to chart a course towards future success and fulfillment.

  3. Three of Wands: The Three of Wands represents expansion, exploration, and the anticipation of growth and success in business endeavors. It encourages founders to take calculated risks, venture into new markets or opportunities, and leverage strategic partnerships to expand their influence and reach new heights of achievement.

  4. Four of Wands: This card symbolizes celebration, harmony, and the attainment of milestones in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests acknowledging achievements, fostering a sense of unity and appreciation among team members and stakeholders, and celebrating shared successes to strengthen bonds and inspire continued growth and collaboration.

  5. Five of Wands: The Five of Wands represents competition, conflict, and challenges in business ventures. It encourages founders to navigate disagreements or rivalries with diplomacy and cooperation, seek common ground, and view differences of opinion as opportunities for innovation and collective problem-solving to overcome obstacles and achieve shared goals.

  6. Six of Wands: This card signifies victory, recognition, and public acclaim in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests celebrating accomplishments, acknowledging contributions from team members and supporters, and embracing a mindset of gratitude and humility to inspire continued success and momentum in future endeavors.

  7. Seven of Wands: The Seven of Wands represents resilience, courage, and standing firm in the face of adversity in business pursuits. It encourages founders to defend their principles, assert their boundaries, and overcome challenges with determination and confidence to emerge stronger and more resilient in the pursuit of their goals.

  8. Eight of Wands: This card signifies swift action, progress, and momentum in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests seizing opportunities, embracing change with agility and enthusiasm, and leveraging technological advancements or communication tools to facilitate growth, expansion, and accelerated achievement of goals and objectives.

  9. Nine of Wands: The Nine of Wands represents resilience, perseverance, and overcoming obstacles in the entrepreneurial journey. It encourages founders to stay the course, trust in their abilities, and draw upon inner strength and resourcefulness to navigate challenges and setbacks with determination and resilience, ultimately achieving success and victory.

  10. Ten of Wands: This card symbolizes burdens, responsibilities, and the need for delegation or release of pressure in business ventures. It suggests recognizing limitations, seeking support from team members or partners, and prioritizing tasks or commitments to avoid burnout and maintain balance and efficiency in the pursuit of goals and objectives.


  1. Ace of Cups: The Ace of Cups represents new emotional beginnings and creative potential in business endeavors. For a founder, it signifies a fresh start, emotional fulfillment, and the opportunity to pursue projects that resonate deeply with their passion and purpose.

  2. Two of Cups: The Two of Cups symbolizes partnership, harmony, and mutual cooperation in business relationships. It suggests forming alliances, collaborating with like-minded individuals, and nurturing strong connections to achieve shared goals and enhance the success of the venture.

  3. Three of Cups: This card represents celebration, camaraderie, and shared success in the entrepreneurial journey. It encourages founders to acknowledge achievements, foster a supportive work culture, and celebrate milestones with their team and stakeholders to strengthen bonds and inspire continued growth.

  4. Four of Cups: The Four of Cups signifies contemplation, introspection, and the need to reassess priorities in business ventures. It suggests taking a moment to reflect on current circumstances, exploring new opportunities, and realigning goals to reignite passion and motivation in the entrepreneurial pursuit.

  5. Five of Cups: This card represents loss, disappointment, and emotional setbacks in business endeavors. It encourages founders to acknowledge and process feelings of grief or disillusionment, seek support from trusted allies, and focus on finding lessons and opportunities for growth amidst adversity.

  6. Six of Cups: The Six of Cups symbolizes nostalgia, innocence, and reconnecting with past experiences in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests embracing the wisdom of past successes and failures, drawing inspiration from childhood dreams, and infusing projects with authenticity and heartfelt sincerity.

  7. Seven of Cups: This card represents choices, illusions, and the need for discernment in decision-making for founders. It encourages careful evaluation of options, prioritizing goals with clarity and focus, and avoiding distractions or unrealistic expectations that may lead to scattered efforts or missed opportunities.

  8. Eight of Cups: The Eight of Cups signifies transition, growth, and the pursuit of greater fulfillment in entrepreneurial pursuits. It suggests courageously leaving behind situations or ventures that no longer serve one's highest aspirations, embarking on a journey of self-discovery, and embracing new opportunities for personal and professional growth.

  9. Nine of Cups: This card represents contentment, emotional satisfaction, and fulfillment of desires in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests celebrating accomplishments, expressing gratitude for blessings received, and cultivating a sense of abundance and joy in both personal and professional life.

  10. Ten of Cups: The Ten of Cups symbolizes emotional fulfillment, harmony, and lasting happiness in business and personal relationships. It suggests creating a supportive and nurturing environment for oneself and others, fostering deep connections, and building a legacy of shared success and prosperity.


  1. Ace of Pentacles: The Ace of Pentacles represents new opportunities, prosperity, and tangible manifestations of success in business ventures. It encourages founders to seize promising opportunities, lay down solid foundations, and cultivate a mindset of abundance and resourcefulness to achieve long-term financial stability and growth.

  2. Two of Pentacles: This card signifies balance, adaptability, and juggling multiple responsibilities in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests finding equilibrium between work and personal life, managing resources effectively, and embracing change with flexibility and resilience to navigate challenges and seize opportunities for growth.

  3. Three of Pentacles: The Three of Pentacles represents collaboration, craftsmanship, and the pursuit of excellence in business endeavors. It encourages founders to value teamwork, leverage diverse skills and talents, and strive for high standards of quality and innovation to achieve success and recognition in their field.

  4. Four of Pentacles: This card signifies stability, security, and the need for prudent financial management in business ventures. It suggests being mindful of resources, budgeting wisely, and avoiding overreliance on material possessions or rigid structures that may hinder growth or limit opportunities for expansion and innovation.

  5. Five of Pentacles: The Five of Pentacles represents financial hardship, scarcity, and the need for resilience in times of adversity. It encourages founders to seek support, explore alternative solutions, and focus on building resilience and resourcefulness to overcome challenges and emerge stronger from financial setbacks.

  6. Six of Pentacles: This card symbolizes generosity, abundance, and the spirit of giving in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests sharing resources, giving back to the community, and fostering a culture of reciprocity and mutual support to create a sustainable and prosperous business ecosystem.

  7. Seven of Pentacles: The Seven of Pentacles represents patience, perseverance, and the gradual fruition of efforts in business endeavors. It encourages founders to stay focused on long-term goals, trust in the process of growth and development, and cultivate resilience and determination to overcome obstacles and achieve success.

  8. Eight of Pentacles: This card signifies dedication, craftsmanship, and continuous improvement in entrepreneurial pursuits. It suggests honing skills, mastering one's craft, and embracing a growth mindset to strive for excellence and achieve mastery in one's field, leading to long-term success and fulfillment.

  9. Nine of Pentacles: The Nine of Pentacles represents independence, self-reliance, and financial abundance in the entrepreneurial journey. It suggests enjoying the fruits of labor, cultivating a sense of gratitude and self-worth, and embracing a lifestyle of luxury, leisure, and personal fulfillment achieved through hard work and dedication.

  10. Ten of Pentacles: This card symbolizes wealth, legacy, and the fulfillment of long-term goals in business ventures. It suggests building a lasting legacy, creating generational wealth, and establishing strong foundations for future success and prosperity for oneself and future generations.


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